Frank Bertie, Chief Technical Officer at NAPIT, discusses the essentials of client handover documentation.
For every installation, regardless of the technology, there are requirements placed on the contractor to furnish the client with information on the products and how to use and maintain the system. It is important to note that certain items are covered by legislation, British Standards, scheme requirements and consumer protection laws.
Upfront provisions
During any estimation or quotation for installation contracts, the client may request documentation to demonstrate that you have the relevant skills, insurance and accreditations to satisfy them that you would be suitable to carry out the proposed works.
This may then form part of the handover documentation as a record that the client has selected the appropriate contractors, which they may need to demonstrate to third-party organisations, such as finance or planning departments.
Contract commencement
Once the quotation has been accepted, this is often followed by a purchase order and subsequent confirmation by the contractor. The client would then expect a programme for the works, risk assessments and method statements for each task, as well as any particular site requirements, such as power shutdowns, delivery and access, as shown in Fig 1.
For larger contracts
The Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 (CDM) are statutory regulations that are enforced under the Health and Safety at Work Act. The creation of CMD was to establish higher standards in the management and control of construction and demolition work.
CDM 2015 has been in force since 6 April 2015, replacing the 2007 CDM Regulations. They lay out what people involved in construction work need to do to protect themselves from harm, including anyone the work affects, and for the first time, these regulations are also applicable to domestic installations.
The aim of CDM 2015 is to improve health and safety in the industry by helping you to:
• Sensibly plan the work so the risks involved are managed from start to finish,
• Have the right people, for the right job, at the right time,
• Cooperate and coordinate your work with others,
• Have the right information about the risks and how they are being managed,
• Communicate this information effectively to those who need to know,
• Consult and engage with workers about the risks and how they are being managed.
Members should be aware that:
• All builders, whatever their size, will have to create a construction phase safety plan for all building projects,
• All domestic projects will have to meet the same basic standards for the provision of welfare facilities as commercial projects,
• Any domestic projects where there has been more than one contractor must have a Health and Safety file presented at completion,
• There is a Health and Safety file/handover pack available, which should include ‘as built’ drawings or specifications of components that have been installed. Conveyancing solicitors are likely to request this when a property is bought and sold,
• For home owners, CDM duties are passed to the contractor where there is only one, or to the principal contractor if there are more than one.
Where there is more than one contractor, a principal designer will be appointed, and they will coordinate all matters relating to health and safety. Where the principal designer changes or is not engaged to the end of a project, any responsibility for the file moves on and may rest finally with the principal contractor.
The principal contractor is responsible for operational site safety and passing information to the principal designer for the Health and Safety file. On completion, the principal contractor will hand over the Health and Safety file/handover documentation to the client.
There are some caveats associated with CDM, such as the duration and labour associated with the contract, such as:
• Lasts more than 30 days, and
• Has more than 20 people on-site, or
• Lasts more than 500 days.
For smaller contracts, repair and maintenance
Although these types of contracts would not fall under CDM, as a contractor you will still be required to provide similar handover documentation to the client.
This is to allow them to have the information to enable them to operate, maintain and replace any components.
Handover pack
The handover documentation, see Fig 2, should include all documentation relating to the contract, such as:
• Quotations,
• Variations,
• Payments and final settlement,
• Specifications,
• Detailing the extent of the work carried out,
• Health and Safety risk assessment and method statements,
• Certification/commissioning – this is dependent on the scheme,
• Building Regulation Notifications, where applicable,
• Manufacturers’ warranties (all installed products, including software),
• Manufacturers’ instructions, including maintenance requirements,
• Diagrams and layout drawings for more complex contracts,
• COSHH data sheets for any products used within the installation.
This information can take the form of a printed copy, PDF, shared file software or digital file. There will also be a requirement for information to be retained in case the client seeks documentation or has a complaint or question regarding the work carried out.
Another important area is the case of product recalls, which on occasions may affect a range of equipment and accessories.
As the installer of these products, the manufacturer will contact you regarding product recalls, so having information about where the equipment or accessories were installed is important.
The handover pack should include details about product recalls.
It is extremely important that the client is provided with information on how the installation functions, maintenance procedures and replacement of equipment and accessories. Providing the handover pack allows you to discharge your duties to the client and maintain the essential ongoing client relationship.
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