Did you know a fifth of UK electricians are abused by customers every working day? Check out these shocking statistics…
- One in five (20%) experience abuse from customers every single day
- One in ten (10%) have been physically attacked
- Female tradespeople receive more regular abuse, but men are sexually harassed more often
With the scale of the problem revealed, IronmongeryDirect has partnered with experienced psychological therapist, Michael Padraig Acton, who has provided advice for tradespeople dealing with confrontational customers:
1) Ask for specifics
“Make sure you are hearing and understanding everything the person is complaining about. Don’t assume anything and double check that you know what they are referring to. Be genuine and make note of their sense of the problem.”
2) Stay calm
“Don’t raise your voice or antagonise the customer. It’s the worst mistake you can make as you will just escalate the situation. Sometimes staying calm is enough to diffuse the situation as the customer might back down after having their say.”
3) Check your involvement
“It is always helpful to reflect on your involvement and consider how you did or didn’t manage something. You can also ask your employer or company for training and support.”
Dominick Sandford, Director and Head of Merchandising & Marketing at IronmongeryDirect, said: “It’s horrific to see how widespread the problem of customer abuse is in the industry, with many tradespeople experiencing it every single shift.
“It’s so important that tradespeople look after themselves and don’t just put up with hostility, as it can have a detrimental effect on their mental health. Our research found that one in eight workers have walked away from jobs because of abuse and that is a really sensible action to take.”
For more information: https://www.ironmongerydirect.co.uk/blog/confrontational-customers