Tibby Singh finds himself ‘on another level’ this month, as he tries out the latest range of levels from ToughBuilt.
It may not be something that springs to mind immediately for trade professionals, but levels are probably one of the most important tools we require for the various tasks that we undertake on a daily basis. I was, therefore, excited to be given the chance to test out ToughBuilt’s new range of levels – which includes a box, torpedo, and pocket level – to see if they were, literally, on another level.
First up were the Lighted Magnetic Box Levels which come in three sizes – 48″, 24″ and 9″. It’s always good to have various sizes because sometimes the level doesn’t fit into the area you’re requiring it to be used in. My initial reaction was that they look and feel so robust and it’s clear to see they’ve been precision milled which ensures the surface is absolutely flat and horizontal, making them very accurate.
Easier and quicker to remove
The box levels feature shock absorbing endcaps – a pretty standard feature in most levels these days – but although these need to be a tight fitting to make sure they don’t fall out, it can make them difficult to remove at times.
ToughBuilt has signalled an end to this issue by introducing a small integrated handle which makes them much easier and quicker to remove. Additionally, when pushed into place they act as a lock. They also have rare earth magnets which is perfect for those situations where you need to have both hands free when working on a particular task.
Another really bright idea is that these levels boast LED lit vials. Although this may seem like a bit of a gimmick at first, it is actually a very useful item to have included with a level, especially when you consider that most construction sites aren’t particularly well lit at the best of times.
The other two levels that I had the chance to try out – the 9″ Magnetic Billet Torpedo Level and the 360˚ Pocket Level – are ideal for smaller tasks such as levelling sockets. If it’s a metal box that you’re installing, the rare earth magnets really come in handy again as they allow you to stick the levels directly to the surface.
Additionally, both products incorporate a groove to ensure the user achieves accurate alignment on conduit or pipe. The Torpedo level has vials set at 0, 30, 45 and 90˚, whereas the pocket level boasts a 360˚ rotating vial to measure or replicate any angle.
Having tried each of the levels within the range, I’m extremely impressed with the build quality, ease of use and handy features that they all incorporate. They’re made to last and will have no problems with navigating the tough conditions that can be experienced on a construction site.
Keep up-to-date with Tibby Singh at: www.TibbySingh.com
Get more details about ToughBuilt’s range of levels here